Write a short description of your experience with science fiction. Include mention of the books, films, TV shows, music, games, or other media or activities that you have encountered that you consider SF. Please write in complete sentences and make this more than a list. No need to mention every single title, but try to give a sense of the scope of your SF experience. Remember that this will serve in part as your introduction to the class and to your teacher (not to mention anyone who happens to read this blog); write clearly and thoughtfully.
My encounters with science fiction began when I was about four, and I became obsessed with Star Wars. I would watch all the movies continuously, and drive my family insane. After that, I started watching Gremlins. I am also a big fan of Joss Whedon, and I am a Brown Coat (Fan) of Firefly. This series is placed 500 years in the future, and is considered a Science Fiction/ Western. This show also spawned a movie: Serenity. I don’t read much science fiction, but I write it frequently. That’s about it.
Some encounters that I have are just with movies like Star Wars and the movie I Robot. These movies were out there and used technology that is out of this world. These movies are very fictious with things like life on other planets and things. This is the only encounters with science fiction that I have had.
My mind likes to dream and see things that aren't real. While I think that connecting your dreams too reality makes it even more magical, science fiction gives my mind a window to a scene world. I started with Harry Potter, Small Ville and other worlds like the Matrix. That ease my mind from all its structure and corruption.
My history with science fiction started when i saw star wars when it was re-released into theatres after that i wasn't extremely interested in science fiction it's not that i didn't like star wars, those were some great movies, but i just was interested in other things. I do like scifi, but i'm not obsessed with it. I have seen 2001: A Space Odessey and that was a great film, ive seen and enjoyed movies such as the terminator, the matrix trilogy, irobot, etc. but i dont really get into watching a whole bunch of scifi. For example i won't sit down and watch a scifi tv show or something like that. All in all i think that if scifi is done well it can be interesting to watch or read about so i look forward to a very interesting semester.
encounters that i have had in the past years are all with my dad. we sit around some weekends and watch whatever is on the scifi channel. my favorite to watch was also Firefly. I also watch a lot of movies with my boyfriend know as the starship troopers movies. i enjoy watching scifi movies, but im not into reading so much.
I got into Science Fiction when I was around 3, and as usual I started out watching The Star Wars Trilogy and mother began buying me the lego sets and models. I built and crafted these accessories then propped them on a shelf as a trophy. I Then got into Star Trek which took forever, maybe 9, but I didn't get into it as much rather than the show. After that a neighbor introduced me to Firefly and I was there all the time but my mother didn't like the series but at least I have the movie, Serenity. By that time Sci-Fi came out with: The Matrix, I robot, Heroes,etc. Then I got into parodies and oldies for a while. I got to see Movies like: Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Back to the Future(One of my Favorites), Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, etc. I never actually read Science fiction stories because I couldn't follow it and I only write Poetry of Tragedy. I do think and talk quite frequently about it though. THIS class is gonna RUEL!
I've never really been that into science fiction. The earliest memory I have of SF is watching Star Trek with my dad(who loves everything SciFi) when I was young. I didn't really get into star wars movies, but enjoyed other SF films like The Matrix, and some TV shows like Heroes. Overall I'm a fan of Science Fiction movies in general, but not so much reading stories and books.
I haven't really encountered science fiction all that much. But since joining this class I am intrigued to learn more about it. I have read the book 'Uglies' by Scott Westerfeld which is a teen fiction novel taking place in the future and is told through the main characters perspective and her constant obsession with becoming 'Pretty'.That in her current time period means undergoing an operation which includes getting a whole new body of flawless perfection.I also have a interest in the Wiccan religon, gothic characters, the undead,and vampires. Most recently I am a (Loyal Freak)(devoted fan) to Criss Angel Mindfreak, Illusionist and Magician. And that concludes my blog.
I have watched some SF movies such as I Robot, I am Legend, Harry Potter, and others. I have not read too many SF books. The movies used lots of special effects and not common ideas. I am excited to find out more about SF.
Science fiction has always been a favorite of mine. I've read many books such as Stranger in a Strange Land and Dune along with many of Ursula K Le Guin's books among many others. I've also seen countless science fiction movies like the Alien movies and War of the Worlds and Close Encounters of the Third Kind.
I have watched Science fiction shows and movies since boefore I can remember. From star wars, close encounters of the third kind and classics like that to more modern movies like irobot and pitch black ive seen nearly all of them. One of my favorite shows now is stargate and i hope that sci fi is around for years to come.
I think that the first science fiction movie that i saw was probably Star Wars. I don't think that science fiction movies are my favorite genre, and I don't really care what it is just as long as it looks cool. I don't remember reading any science fiction books or stories either. I think that movies like The Matrix and Star Wars are cool because those are the first movies that come to my mind when I think of science fiction.
I think I have been into sci fi for as long as i can remember it started with 'Star Wars' and 'Star Trek' and just got better from there. I read almost one sci-fi book a month some several times. I read every thing from obscure books such as 'The Armor ' and 'Bad Magic' *'Bad Magic' is no longer in print* to 'Dune' and books by Terry pratchet. Most of the time I just go to the library and grab books that peak my interest and I check them out and read them and books that I like I simply buy. My book shelf is mostly Sci-fi and fantasy and I think that for the rest of my life I will still be reading it.
I grew up from day one with scifi. my dad is a treky he has all the dvds, comics and reads all the books. so growing up i was always watching that with him. he is also a fan of stargate sg1 so as family tv time we would watch that. as for me i always had some interest in scifi. technology has always fasinated with me. it is also astounding to see how fast we are advancing in technology. it is always mind blowing to predic tech in a few years.
I have seen I Robot and several other sci fi movies. I wathc the sci fi channel sometimes when i have nothing to do. I have read a few books for school in the past
I have always loved science fiction. The idea of explaning a world through the means of science and future technology just is flat out awesome. Almost all the books i read are science fiction although i've never tried to write one. I thought it was really funny when u said some people can qoute all of star wars, I think most people can. I've seen tons of movies, books, comic books, and shorts. So i am really looking forward to the class.
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